Terms of Services

1. Intro:

Before you begin to submit your projects or setting up your account with Clippingpathunited, please read the following Terms of Service sincerely. These Terms of Service is a full guide to regularize your access to and enjoy our Photo Enhancing service. This will completely direct you to the liabilities of ours. This also governs you to a binding agreement between you and picvisual. Here in this note, all the compliances conditions are expressed completely. Notice that any violation of these Terms of Service may lead the agreement terminated. And the liabilities are totally upon you, not picvisual.

picvisual believes in Change, hence, time to time alteration of the Terms of Service can be implemented. Please refer to the web page to be updated with the changes. Most importantly you are agreeing to be bound by those changes or update of Terms of Service.

2. Definition:

The terms “us” or “we” or “our” or “CC” means picvisual, the owner of the Company.

A “Visitor” is someone who had come to our web page through serving the Internet but not registered as a member.

A “Member” is an individual who has registered with us and legal client of ours.

Our “Service” recommends the functionality that we feature on the behalf of our offer through our website to our Members or Client.

A “User” is a referrer who voluntarily offers our services to a Visitor or a Member.

“Content” means all the collection of pictures, data, information and charts offered through our Website to the users, members or clients.

3. Our Services:

The picvisual Company serves the world with a handful of expertise on Photoshop. We do offer our global client such variety of benefits. Our main job is to enhance the perfection in photographs. Our fundamental services are Clipping Path, Shadow Making, Cropping & Resize, E-commerce Editing, Baby Photo Editing, Background Remove, Ghost Mannequin, Image Recoloring, Photo Restoration, Real State Editing, Image Masking, Photo Retouching, Headshot Retouch, Jewelry Retouch, School Photo Editing and much more.

By picvisual portal service, you can upload, download, store photo and submit image link. You have all the rights to use it from anywhere. We don’t complain about the rights of using your verified account from anywhere.

We are loyal to provide our services just according to the photos and instructions submitted by our members. Whenever we receive the submission of the project by users, we start our working. Delivery time may be varied with a number of images and the complexity level of work. Our clients have the opportunity to choose their own delivery time before payment. We deliver the finished images to our clients by email, an FTP, WeTransfer, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

4. Specification and prices

Prices which offer to our clients sometimes may vary with the price displayed on our website page. As it is we are not always able to disclose our pricing base upon the complexity of the images. As for this reason, our pricing may vary sometimes.

As our rules, you are agreeing to pay for additional, unforeseen work which is are not mentioned on our website page. On the contrary, you are advised to adjust any price adjustments before submitting your images. And to be remarked, we reserve the right to cancel the contract at any time.

5. Submission

As a client, you will submit certain images to picvisual. We do follow some terms of submission rule to provide better service. At the time of submission you are agreeing that you will NOT post, place or submit any of the following images or material regarded using our Service:

– Any content that pornographic, abusive, inappropriate, harm against any individual or group, provoking racism, unlawful.
– Any material that is sent from an anonymous or false address.
– Any material that is violated by our rules and regulation.
– Any material that is conflicting our publicity, copyrights or other intellectual rights without the permission of our legal rights.
– Any material contains viruses or any code that could be hazardous to our system, functional and designed to interrupt our communication system.
– Any material stimulating abnormal behaviour of a child under the age of 18 or in other word considered as child pornography.
– Any material which may violate other natural resources organizations
– Any material which is supporting a terrorist organization.

While picvisual is not responsible for conflicting posts, content, images provided by the members of this company, we have the full rights in its prudence to (1) move, delete or edit the submission (2) take other appropriate action to lighten the misuse of our service.

picvisual always wants the confirmation of copyright or trademark claims of the submitter. If you as a submitter fail to reclaim the copyright confirmation of the images we will likely to share the information with the governmental organization, law enforcement authorities or other third parties. In the case of a copyright claim, we reserve the right to suspend the viewing, display of any images until the issue has been figured out.

6. My Account:

In consideration of an easy and simple order processing, we have initiated Login portal. Through your “Account”, you can enjoy the simplest way of submitting your order, provide instructions of image editing, payment, upload/download images. Moreover, you can go through the glimpse of Received Jobs, Completed Jobs, Unpaid Invoice, Total Due, Latest Oder, Latest Invoice. For proper maintenance of your Account, you should follow the mentioned schemes:

– Using the Portal is available to You (the use of Your Account is solely dependent on your own risk). You can submit images or files, in any format (JPG. JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PSD, AI, TIF, TIFF, PDF, CRW, CR2, DNG, NEF, RAW, RW2) up to 5 GB. If the file size is bigger than this, you can contact us with a detailed description of specific services that you require along with any special instructions using the Contact Us facility mentioned on the Site.
– After receiving your order details, we will check its details for compliance and mutual agreement for the convenient process. Later, we will notify you by e-mail to confirm the Order and accept it. Acceptance of the Order entails that you are agreed to the applicable payment terms. And we will edit images as per industry standard graphics manipulation tools to carry out the Services and use all reasonable professional endeavour
– We will notify You by email when Your Order has been completed and you are available to download images from your account if payment is completed.
– Unless payment has been made in advance by PayPal, Credit/Debit card or other ways, we will entitle it to invoice. You are bound to complete the payment upon notification of order completion. And complete payment within [07] days, the full amount.
– Every Order submitted by You must be subject to ACCEPTANCE by us. And you are bound to agree that such acceptance may be withheld at Our absolute discretion.
– You may cancel any Order prior to the notification of its acceptance by Us. If you have made any advance payment in respect of that Order, we will refund it. BUT, you can NOT cancel any Order after we have start processing Order. If we have started processing order, it will be commenced as a normal order.
– Delivery time shown on the website or specified in Our acceptance of any Order is the estimation only. We are NOT subject to legal action for any delays in delivery of the images caused by accidental matters beyond our control.
– All standard prices listed on the website are subject to change without prior notice. We are reasonable to any such increase in price before you place your next Order.

7. Payment and refund:

Our prices are quoted in US dollars ($) for customers around the world as well as the Euro (€) for customers within Europe. We also accept Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollars(CAD), British Pound (£).

– Our price and packages will guide you through the reference only. Pricing may change according to the complexity of the images. It is totally dependent on the specific requirement of submitted projects of the clients. Furthermore, it is also dependent on the limiting time for completing the projects.
– Definition of Complexity:
– The ways we define the complexity of an image, are-
– Image contain lots of hole, spaces, dots, wrinkles, spots, hair fur etc.
– Old images are fully or partially- tore, ripped, burnt, soaked
– Image contains lots of details
– Area of the image is large

– Billing Information:
– Firstly, we accept payment by PayPal. PayPal is our co-operator and the safest and most secure way to pay online. If you have a PayPal account, you can pay from your account directly. If you don’t have any, then you can pay by debit or credit card directly through by PayPal.
– For bank transfer: You can pay by cheque, written order, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, and Visa- all offer debit cards as bank transfer.
– You can complete the payment
– – At the beginning of project
— At the end of the project when editing is done. In that case, you should pay first to download your images.
– Area of the image is large


In the event of being displeased with our work, a refund will NOT be issued. In that case, you can demand your instructions within 7 days of delivery. We will be happy to redo your same photos for free. We are always ready to high-end revision for free as long as your revision request follows below terms:

– The first consideration of ours is the time. We accept revision request within 7 days afterwards completion of the order. If you do not request for revision within 7 days, automatically your chance of getting revision will be cancelled. Later on, you have to place a new order for editing the same photos. – It is instructed that revision should NOT be contradictory to the original instructions of editing photos when the order was placed. – If you demand bulk revision, you need to contact us immediately and make a negotiation with us. If you get in touch within 7 business days, complex image editing can be made easily. – CC makes no warranty that our services will fulfil all your requirements or completed photos will meet the prospect of yours.

8. Free trial:

We offer a free trial for the professional photographers or other agency of photographic society.

Our offer includes the service of simple photo retouching, photo recolouring, clipping path, background remove, teeth enhancement, skin retouching, jewellery retouching, exposure adjustment, image masking, wrinkles remove, object remove and so on.

We do NOT offer any photo manipulation to the highest complex level.

You must provide all the information Full Name, Email, Phone, Country, Service- (Clipping Path, Background Remove, Multi-Path, Image Masking, Shadow Making, Ghost Mannequin, Cropping & Resizing, Image Recoloring, Headshot Retouching), Total Image in the Project, Instructions. After your details being verified, you will get the completed image with our signature. As we have provided our time, you agree that we may use your free sample and before-after comparison with a photo credit to you in our portfolio/social media. And we do NOT claim any copyright to the completed photos by free trial.

9. Revision policy:

CC provides 3 rounds of revision within days of placing an order. These 3 rounds of revision are free if this action happens within 7 days. Revision should not conflict with the original instruction when you placed an order. After all the 3 rounds of revision, you will be asked to pay more for the service you are asking. And we are NOT making any warranty that our services will provide all your expectation always.

10. Photo replacement:

We do NOT accept photo replacement after the order is placed. If you send the image wrong, you should NOT ask us to edit another photo editing for free as a replacement. And it is your responsibility for the consequences of sending the wrong images. Through any means, you want to replace your photos, you can contact us. And settle the dispute with us. As we want to provide the Flexible.

Photo editing service in this photo-post production world.

11. Settlement:

We always offer our client negotiations. Disputes can occur from the beginning of the project to the completing. But we believe in the settlement. You can contact us immediately as you want to settle the pricing for bulk image editing for long-term or project. If there is any dispute, we happily offer our clients’ settlement about contractual disputes.

12. Cancellation and Termination of Business:

picvisual reserves the right to cancel the business order/service or terminate the deal or suspend the account at any time without recourse to the courts.

We will suspend an account or terminate business if we get the proof of it has been used that propose abuse of our service. We will also suspend your account if you are challenging a payment that you have made to us. And asking the cancellation of a running project without an accurate reason will terminate the business.

13. Acknowledgement:

As this Terms of Service may be changed from time to time, you are bound to keep in agreement with the update. You are continued to use picvisual service by understanding the Terms of Service and any updates. Any violation of these arrangements may result in termination of your account and project.

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